Wavelet Compression

  • Wavelet compression is one of the most effective methods of image compression. The algorithm is based on multiresolutional analysis. The part of the mathematical analysis is being actively developed during last 15 years.

  • Like the traditional JPEG compression, wavelet compression algorithm presents an image as sets of real coefficients. Most of the wavelet coefficients of a typical image are nearly zero, and the image thus is well-approximated with a small number of large wavelet coefficients.

  • The advantage of wavelet compression is that, in contrast to JPEG, wavelet algorithm does not divide image into blocks, but analyze the whole image. The characteristic of wavelet compression allows to get best compression ratio, while maintaining the quality.

  • Results of compression of 256x256 24 bit Bitmap with Wavelet and standard JPEG are shown below:

Wavelet compression
file size: 1861 bytes
compression ratio - 105.6

JPEG compression
file size: 1895 bytes
compression ratio - 103.8